Digital History Project Progress Update 1

After sketching out the storyboard for my project, I then went back to revise and take a second look at the storyboard. When I took a second look at my storyboard, I made some changes to order the information was presented and which sources I wanted to present in each section. From here I made …

Digital Public History: Project Proposal

My digital history project will examine the story of one immigrant group, the Carpatho-Rusyns in the United States, and the process of Americanization among this group and their descendants. This will be accomplished by analyzing one of the major institutions established by Carptho-Rusyns in the United States, the Byzantine Catholic Church (also known as the …

Personas Revised

Persona 1: Name: Gary Kachmar Demographic: 55; married; lives in Scranton, PA; bachelors degree in nursing; middle class Quote: “The best surprise was finding the village my grandfather came from.” A Day in a Life Narrative: Gary has been interested in learning about his family history since he was a child. Growing up, he was always eager …

Audience and Content in Public History Projects

When historians work they, like any creator, are creating content for a specific audience. There is always a target demographic that every type of historian is looking to appease. A large part of the work that historians create is meant for a purely academic audience that consists of their fellow historians. It these instances they …

User Research Findings

In conducting my research, I discovered a number of unique characteristics of the target demographic group for my project. This demographic group consists of mostly middle aged men and women from the northeastern United States, who are married, middle class, and have either a high school or bachelors level education. This demographic group has a …

Physical/Digital Site Comparative Review

National Archives Museum: Rightfully Hers: American Women and the Vote Exhibit Physical Site: This exhibit makes the argument that American women gaining the right to vote was a long and complicated process that involved the hard work and sacrifice of many individuals over several decades. The physical design of the exhibit allows the visitor to …

Doing Digital Humanities

My digital humanities project consisted of mapping the Carpatho-Rusyn villages in Slovakia to discover more information and find common trends between the different villages. Aim: The aim of my project was to examine the location of the villages in what is today Slovakia, where the Carpatho-Rusyns have historically lived for centuries, and where they continue …

Carpatho-Rusyn Villages in Slovakia

For my project, I wanted to find out more information about the villages where the Carpatho-Rusyn people have historically lived in Europe. The Carpatho-Rusyns are an East Slavic ethnic group that have lived for centuries in and around the Carpathian Mountains in what is today Poland, Slovakia, and Ukraine. There are estimated to be around …
