What Can You Do with Crowdsourced Digitization?

Today, crowdsourcing has become a major way for creators of digital humanities projects to both receive help with their projects, while also engaging and allowing members of the general public to become involved in these projects. Crowdsourcing involves bringing in members of the public, who lack a vested interest in the project, to perform certain …

How to Read a Wikipedia Article

Wikipedia, the free internet based encyclopedia, has become an integral part of the way that people learn and obtain new information. When trying to find information on a particular topic, one of the first places people will turn to is Wikipedia. In the almost twenty years since the site was launched in 2001, Wikipedia has …

Comparison of Different Digital Tools

In working with digitized materials, there can be a variety of information contained in any collection of data. There is not one digital tool alone that can fully reveal all of the information contained in a data set. Different digital tools such as text mining/topic modeling, mapping, and networks and visualizations, each reveal a different …

Network Analysis with Palladio

Palladio is a web based application that allows the user to create a series of cluster graphs that are based on different networks described in a series of data. These networks represent different types of relationships such as those between different people, different places, different time periods, or different objects that are in some ways …

Mapping with kepler.gl

Kepler.gl is a web based application that allows the user to create a variety of different types of maps to analyze a collection of geographical data. Through the different map types that the application offers, the user is able to discover and analyze different relationships and trends within a collection of geographical data. For my …

Text Analysis with Voyant 2.0

I found working with the Voyant application to be both an interesting and exciting experience. I have never used any kind of text analysis software before so it was moderately challenging to troubleshoot and figure out how the different elements of the application worked. The text files that I used were a series of interviews …

A Guide to Digitization

When an item is digitized, there are certain qualities about the item that can and others that cannot be captured through digitization. Digitization is able to capture what an item looks like in a flat two-dimensional way. An individual looking at a digitized item is viewing what is essentially a photograph of that item. Through …
