Database Review: Academic Search Complete

Academic Search Complete Academic Search Complete is an EBSCOhost database that describes itself as a leading resource for scholarly research. The goal of this database is to support high-level research in the key areas of academic study by providing journals, periodicals, reports, books and more. Academic Search Complete contains thousands of full text peer-reviewed journals, …

A Guide to Digitization

When an item is digitized, there are certain qualities about the item that can and others that cannot be captured through digitization. Digitization is able to capture what an item looks like in a flat two-dimensional way. An individual looking at a digitized item is viewing what is essentially a photograph of that item. Through …

Usable Digital Data: Historical Society of Washington DC Rights Information: The Historical Society of Washington DC contains thousands of items in their collection that document the over two hundred year history of the city. These items relate to the art, culture, communities, families, individuals, businesses, schools, and churches, that have been part of the history of Washington DC. The items take …

Usable Digital Data: National Archives and Records Administration Rights Information: The National Archives and Records Administration houses the records of every department and agency of the United States government from the American Revolution up to the present day. On their website, images of federal government records such as census reports, military records, presidential papers, congressional bills, amendments to the US Constitution, …

Usable Digital Data: Museum of the Bible Rights Information: The Museum of the Bible’s website contains digital images that allow the individual to explore the thousands of artifacts that are held in the museum’s collection. The collection includes printed Bibles ranging from the first century AD up to the present day, statues, biblical commentaries, stained glass windows, and photographs. These …

Usable Digital Data: Prelinger Archives Rights Information: The Prelinger Archives contains over eight thousand films that were produced between 1903 and 2019. All of these videos were originally produced on film and are now available to be watched digitally on the Internet Archives. The collection focuses on films that are home movies, amateur, and industrial in their content. …

Usable Digital Data: NASA Commons on Flickr

Rights Statement: The NASA Commons on Flickr contains thousands of photos that document the history and accomplishments of NASA over the last sixty-two years. These photographs cover a wide range of subjects including various astronauts, lunar and space shuttle missions, planets, important figures at NASA, unmanned spacecrafts, and historical aviation. Each photograph contains the …

Usable Digital Data: J Paul Getty Museum Rights Statement: The website of the J Paul Getty Museum contains thousands of images that allow the user to explore both the art and research collections of the museum. The collections features antiquities, drawings, manuscripts, paintings, photographs, sculptures, and decorative art, that range from the early Greek and Roman periods to the present …

A Definition of Digital Humanities

Digital Humanities (DH) is a multidisciplinary field that centers around the use of new digital technologies to further research, analysis, collaboration, and presentation of materials, such as data, artifacts, and  records, within the humanities field. The humanities is defined as the study of human society including a variety of fields such as history, economics, art, …
