The Challenges History Educators Face in Presenting the Past in the Digital World

The digital world we live in today has drastically changed both how we receive information and the different types of information we receive. It has never been easier to learn something new or to find the answer to any question we may have. Using Internet search engines like Google, we can find hundreds, even thousands …

Fifth Piece of the Puzzle

While my final project is still a work in progress, I have been making great progress in developing and putting my project together. This week, I was able to accomplish three major objectives in completing my final project. First, I was able to select and organize the various images that I want to include to …

HIST 689-Final Project Update

This week, in focusing on my final project, I have been able to make great progress in creating a digital learning opportunity for my target audience. I decided that my final project is going to consist of a website built to engage undergraduate history students, just starting college, in learning to both examine and challenge …

HIST 689-Film Review

Film Metadata: Title: Lincoln Year: 2012 Producers: Steven Spielberg and Kathleen Kennedy I have a copy of the film on DVD that I watched. The film was based in part on the 2005 biography of Abraham Lincoln Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin. In the biography, Goodwin used both primary and secondary sources in …

Using Media in History Education

The use of film offers history educators a different way of presenting information to students then the typical lecture provides. While not meant as a replacement to the typical history lecture, the additional use of film allows the history educator to engage with different types of learners and ensure that a larger portion of their …

Third Piece of the Puzzle

For my final project I have started to narrow down and define the focus of the project. The overall theme of my project is going to emphasize the diversity of the different European immigrant groups that came to the United States in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.  I want to emphasize to my audience that …
