Digital History Project Progress Update 2

In the last week, I have worked on reorganizing my project to focus more on the experience of Carpatho-Rusyn immigrants in the United States and the process of Americanization that they and their descendants experienced. I used the information I already had on the evolution of the Byzantine Catholic Church in the United States to highlight and emphasize the experience of the Carpatho-Rusyns in the United States. I changed the title and description of my project to put the emphasis upfront on the immigrant experience aspect of my project rather than the evolution of the Byzantine Catholic Church in the United States.

After deciding how I was going to incorporate more of the immigrant experience in my project, I went and found more sources and items to encapsulate the experience of Carpatho-Rusyn immigrants and their descendants in the United States. Once I located all of the items I wanted, I uploaded and created all of the metadata for the items on Omeka.

The biggest challenge I find myself facing right now is taking all of the ideas I have on paper for the design and layout of my exhibit and transferring them to Omeka. I have never created an online exhibit like this before, so the process of using Omeka is new to me. My biggest challenge in completing this project will be in getting my exhibit to look the way that I want it to and in a layout that is both aesthetically pleasing and easy to navigate through.

The next step in my project will be writing all of the text for the exhibit. In total there are sixteen different sections of my exhibit. Each section has the main background text that describes the theme of that section along with descriptive text for each of the items included in that section. I have created a word document where I will write all of the descriptive text for my project, that I will begin to work on next.

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