User Research Findings

In conducting my research, I discovered a number of unique characteristics of the target demographic group for my project. This demographic group consists of mostly middle aged men and women from the northeastern United States, who are married, middle class, and have either a high school or bachelors level education. This demographic group has a high interest in learning about and discovering stories that are part of their family history and would have affected their ancestors. I found that as long as I can appeal to their desire to learn more about their ancestral background, I could capture their interest in my project.

There are a number of characteristics of this demographic group that I will be taking into account as a work on and create my project. This group tends to do most of their research online through a variety of different websites that are dedicated to genealogical research. Many of these websites deal with providing guidance and directing users to resources that are helpful in discovering information about different European ethnic groups that immigrated to the United States.

I also discovered that many of the people in this demographic group are part of online groups and forums that are dedicated to genealogical research and family history for specific European ethnic groups. In these groups, members will post articles about different topics, ask a variety of different questions, and post resources to help other members in their own research.

Based on the findings of my research, I will tailor my project to reflect how this group interacts with a topic similar to the one covered in my project. I will design my project to be similar to the type of informational websites that individuals in this groups visit when conducting their research. In addition, I will also use the different online forums to promote my project and get feedback from individuals as to how I can improve upon and change my project to have a more widespread appeal.

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